4 important questions before you start addiction treatment

addiction treatment



No matter what kind of addiction you have (drug addiction, alcohol addiction, gambling addiction or internet addiction), deciding on addiction treatment is not easy.

In addition to the resistance to treatment, addicts often feel stigmatized because of the problems they have. They are excluded, even torn from the previous life they led. The environment often condemns them for their behavior.

Therefore, treating addiction involves a lot of support (both from family and from other treatment sponsors). Also a lot of understanding and compassion. And a full dedication of experts of various profiles – psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists and the like.

For this reason, we answer the 4 most important questions that addicts are confused with before starting addiction treatment at the Lorient Center.

1. What does a successful addiction treatment look like?

Addiction diseases are difficult to treat. Whether it is gambling treatment, alcoholism treatment, drug treatment, the addiction leaves changes in the brain. These changes are often irreversible and affect, among other things, the craving to start taking the substance again. Or start gambling again.

Therefore, successful treatment means that the addict learns how to avoid the cravings. Also how to solve common life problems and stresses constructively. Not through alcohol, drugs and medication, gambling. If the craving still arises and the addict succumbs to it, they should react immediately. To seek help to stop taking again and regain the lost balance.

To control their illness instead of IT controlling THEM.

Addiction clinics are the right place to solve such problems and find professional, timely and long-term support.

2. How long does addiction treatment take?

The development of addiction is influenced by various factors. Among others, addict’s personality, the family and the wider environment. Therefore, it is clear that treatment is a complex process. And its duration may vary.

However, whether it is the treatment of drug addiction or the treatment of alcoholism or some other addiction, it is important to dedicate a certain period of time to the treatment of addiction. A period of time suggested by the experts to whom you have entrusted the treatment.

This is assessed on the basis of advanced addiction, but also on the type of problem. It is optimal to dedicate at least a year in order for the addict to drastically increase the chances of permanently stopping using.

But sometimes good results can come earlier. And it is certain that with the duration of the treatment, the chances of addiction being well controlled also increase.

During the first stages of treatment, the possibility of relapse is high. Relapse can also be a sign that treatment has been prematurely stopped.

3. Is isolation necessary during treatment?

Isolation from a provocative environment is necessary. This primarily means the social circle inside which the use of drugs / alcohol / gambling was practiced … And also the places and situations in which this was repeated.

Isolation during treatment remains necessary until widrawal passes and until the conditions are met for the introduction of appropriate forms of protection. Let’s say blockers for heroin, alcohol and other medication, depending on the type of addiction.

These drugs enable the addict to continue living in their natural environment after a few weeks. But also to have time to learn to identify and avoid risky situations and to develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Addiction treatment means, first of all, changing the social circle which you were part of.

Addicts are often aware that their relationships with certain people are based solely on shared moments of drug / alcohol consumption or other addictive behaviors. Such a circle will hinder them the most in treatment, because these persons are still under the control of their addiction. If the addict starts abstaining that fact will start to endanger his relations with their previous social circle.

That is why the relations with that persons should be completely severed. These relationships do not have the potential to become healthy. They will always revolve around a common interest – drugs / drinking / gambling…

4. How to predict and prevent relapse?

Due to the fact that addiction affects the change of nerve pathways in the brain, the risk of relapse persists long after the addict start believing they are in control.

One of the key things in addiction treatment is learning how to predict and stop relapse.

Predicting and preventing relapse means learning to anticipate and recognize high risk situations.

These situations are usually related to unpleasant emotions (sadness, loss, disappointment, anxiety, boredom …), interpersonal conflicts etc.

During the treatment of addiction, one learns how to establish and maintain control, and react in a constructive way within the range of these situations.

During treatment, it is very important to master the skills for coping with negative emotions and stress.

This is helped by:

• relaxation exercises

• mastering communication skills

• responsible decision-making and problem-solving skills

• anger control techniques

• craving control techniques.

It is also important how relapse is experienced.

Relapse is not a sign of defeat and failure in therapy, but an opportunity to learn.

Relapse is an opportunity to identify your triggers and learn how to avoid them and in other ways deal with them.

If relapse occurs, prompt intervention is necessary to establish abstinence as soon as possible.

Addiction treatment facilities such as the LORIJEN Center carefully select treatment elements and develop programs tailored to the individual case of each patient precisely because each addiction is specific.

If you think you have a problem with addiction or have not had success with treatment so far, contact us at addiction@lorijen.center



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