Obsessive-compulsive disorder: symptoms and treatment
Do you repeatedly check whether you have locked the door or turned off the stove? Even before the corona virus, you were constantly, and most
Do you repeatedly check whether you have locked the door or turned off the stove? Even before the corona virus, you were constantly, and most
Looking at business challenges today, we realize that in this digital, capitalist era, we are constantly exhausted. We work (and live) like on a rollercoaster.
Suddenly your heart starts beating fast.You are sweating, your whole body trembles.Severe pain is piercing your chest.Your breathing is short and fast.You feel dizzy.At that
What are phobias Phobias are fears we know are not rational. Phobia is a fear that is excessive and not grounded in reality. Another characteristic
Depression is one of the terms we use more and more, often not knowing what depression is and what the word really refers to. We
EMDR therapy is an innovative form of therapy for anxiety, trauma, addictions, but helps with a wide range of psychological issues.
Why do people engage in addictive relationships cycle? Are you in such a relationship yourself without even being aware of it?
The goal of REBT psychotherapy is to form and strengthen rational beliefs that will condition a positive image of oneself, as well as the experience of one’s own value.
Anxiety during pregnancy – learn how to recognize its signs, how to help yourself and to address it with psychotherapy
Even if you don’t know how to precisely define it, you must have felt some slight unease on your first day at a new job
Let’s start by answering the question What is psychotherapy? A collection of techniques and methods aimed at overcoming various mental health problems by psychological means.
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